Do not contains Gluten Do not contains Gluten
Suitable for vegan food Suitable for vegan food
Public price €20.90€0.35/dose
Product available
Package format: Format 75ml
EAN: 8054521003677
Parapharmaceutical ministerial code: 942968583
Package content
60 Capsules (22 mm)


Broccoli Food Supplement

Titrated at 0.3% of sulphoraphane, this antioxidant is indicated for its detox action.

Contributes to:
  • Antioxidant
  • Body detox action

Broccoli are a rich source of sulphoraphane, an antioxidant compound, whose high intake with diet has been associated in several epidemiological studies with protection against Helicobacter pylori and certain types of cancer.

Cruciferous plants, such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussel’s sprouts, green cabbage, mustard, watercress and others, are rich in sulphurated water-soluble compounds called glucosinolates. Cruciferous plants contain various types of glucosinolates, each of which forms a different isothiocyanate, the biologically active products of glucosinolates.

Moreover, broccoli are a good source of glucoraphanin, the inactive precursor of sulphoraphane, which is present in high concentrations in broccoli sprouts. The detoxifying action performed by these compounds is particularly interesting.

In fact, sulphoraphane is an extremely powerful inducer of certain detoxifying enzymes that convert toxins into water soluble products, which can be easily eliminated by the body. This reduces the quantity of circulating toxins that can be harmful for the cells.

The plant extract of Broccoli contained in the product has been tested to guarantee stability, bioavailability and efficacy.

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Glucosinolates: sulphurated water-soluble compounds that are present in high concentrations in cruciferous plants. They have antioxidant properties and favour free radical elimination, contributing to strengthen the body’s defences.

Sulphoraphane: a compound that belongs to the isothiocyanate group, it has acknowledged beneficial anti-ageing and antioxidant properties.

detox programmes - gastritis caused by H. pylori - antioxidant protection
1-2 capsules daily with water during meals.
Each capsule contains
Broccoli sprouts 500 mg
(Brassica oleracea L.)
dry titrated extract (25/30:1)
0.3% [1.5mg] sulforaphane (HPLC method)


Ingredients: matodextrin, anti-caking agent (magnesium stearate). Capsules of vegetable origin in hydroxypropylmethylcellulose.

You should seek medical advice during pregnancy and lactation.